Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Roman Alphabet | 7th century BC

 What was the basis of the Roman uppercase alphabet?
A variant of the Greek Alphabet

What were the purposes of the formal and informal styles of lettering?
Formal- Used for important manuscripts and official documents
Informal- Used for letters and routine types of writing

Why is the Roman alphabet the most widely used and what contributions did it make?
The roman alphabet createds erifs, and the baseline in typography and penmanship

From where did serifs originate?
Where stonesman added little hooks to the tips of letters to prevent the chisel from slipping

When and where did lowercase, or minuscule, letters develop?
These letters developed with the Roman institution of the baseline

What is a ligature and why were they utilized?
Ligature is the connection of type, i think it was created to help penmenship and make it easier to read

Cuneiform and the Sumerians | 3,000 BC

The Sumerians were one of the earliest types of this kind of civilization? What does that mean?
Nomadic civilizations meaning that they migrated
Why is the region of Sumer considered the Cradle of Civilization?
Because it is where cuneiform was created, the worlds first written language

What could the Sumerians practice year round because of the regions climate?
They were able to practice year round agriculture 

Why was Cuneiform created?
transactions increased and a way to keep track of the transaction became necessary

What medium was used to "write" Cuneiform? Explain the process of preparing and writing on this surface?
The Sumerians chose to write on clay tablets. First they would wet the flat surfaces, then they would use a wedge shaped stylus made from reeds to make impressions into the clay surface, then set them in the sun to harden

What did Cuneiform begin as a series of?
It began as a series of pictographs 

After it evolved over time, what shape did the characters of Cuneiform evolve into?
As it evolved the pictographs became more abstract and the number of character began to grow, until it finally became a wedge shaped language

After the Akkadians conquered, what happened to the Sumerian culture and written language?
The Akkadians adopted their ways

What is a pictograph?
Visual representation of an object

Why did the creation of Cuneiform allow the Sumerians to become a sophisticated culture?

It allowed a more peaceful way of tracking transactions, and bettering society.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment 14


  • whimsical 
  • colorful 
  • sparkly 
  • fun 
  • outer space 

I find the comets tail and color very helpful, because i want to use a comet to underline the title 
The crater are going on my moon and the shadowing is important during the right cycle

The details of a rocket ship are very complex, hopefully i can scale it down 
I like the colors and style of this also the rocket ship, the formate itself is quite cute, and the over al feel is what i am going for 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Visual Organization

Eye Movement 
  • one must direct the audience through a design
  • the eye moves left to right and top to bottom 
  • the eye moves to complex areas first 
  • light area attract the eyes, especially when next to dark areas 
  • diagonal lines guide the eyes through a piece 
  • place the focal point just off the center
  • the eye naturally sweeps of the page in a z 
  • leading the view through the piece by knowing where the eye will go
  • No more than two total fonts in one piece 
  • the fonts should complement each other 
  • start with a title font then pick text font 
  • avoid uppercase screaming is not friendly 
  • choose the right font for the topic 
  • to not over use fancy or complicated fonts 
  • reference article: 
Visual Hierarchy:
  • will create a focal point
  • establish a order of elements 
What do i want my viewers to see first?

The Grid:
  • a way of organizing information on the page 
  • using margins, guide lines and rows/columns 
  • moderism-50s
  • breaks things into chunks and make it easier to  read/view
  • gird consist of alignment based relationship that distributes elements across the format 
  • different grid structures for different designs 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cave Paintings | 35,000 years ago

What are cave paintings?
Beautiful detailed and colorful representations found on the inside of cave walls and ceilings

Name several common themes found in cave paintings?
Western Europe, Australia, Africa, China
How were these paintings created (tools, pigments)?
Water, plant Juice, animal blood, soil, charcoal, hematite, sticks, small stones, leaves, animal hair

What is the most famous cave painting site? When was it discovered and by whom?
Lascaux in France, discovers by four teenage boys.

Why did this cave have to be closed? What was done to satisfy public curiosity?
The Carbon Dioxide emitted by the visitors was damaging the paintings, so they opened a replica for visitors.

In Altamira cave, why do most of the paintings have a red hue?
The paint was made of red clay that is found in the soil

Who discovered this site? How old are the paintings confirmed to be?
Marceline Sanz De Sautuola and his daughter Maria, they are 19000 years old.

What is the oldest known cave painting site? When was it discovered and by whom?
Chauvet-Point Arc, discovered in 1994 by Eliete Brunell Deschamps, Christian Hillaire, Jean-Marie Chauvet

What was different about the painting techniques at this site?
The ave walls were scraped of debris and a atempted 3-D effect

What is "speleology"?is the scientific study of caves and there features

What three reasons do archeologists and historians believe prehistoric man created cave paintings?

  1. to tell a story
  2. to help teach others about hunting
  3. for magical or religious reasons